Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Heading to Nigeria

I am not a traveler by nature. I like predictability, efficiency, privacy, freedom to move around when I want to, and knowing where the nearest diet coke machine is.

So, some large part of my brain was out of the loop when I agreed to go to a conference in Nigeria.

After recovering my senese, I desperately hoped for a glitch in the system and applied late for my passport and travel visa. But, no glitches: God and the government made sure I got my documents on time.

Now I need to come up with a presentation that doesn't embarrass myself, my husband, or my college (who is paying for most of my trip). And I should pack, especially those things that seem very necessary in my world but might not be readily available everywhere, like soap and toilet paper and a towel. And I should work on keeping that shrill edge of panic out of my voice until we leave in three days.